Fast Hands Volley - Pickleball Drill for Titan Ball Machines - John Cincola

Sarah Pont

US Pickleball Champion John Cincola has developed a series of custom drills exclusively for Titan using his Titan ONE Pickleball machine and he wants to share them with the Titan community.

John Cincola's "Fast Hands Volley drill" is a series of fast alternating shots to the forehand and backhand side.

You can watch John Cincola train using his Fast Hands Volley drill, download the drill using the Titan Drills app and then play it on your Titan ONE or Titan ACE pickleball machine.

Watch the Video

Watch John Cincola train using his Fast Hands Volley custom pickleball drill

Download the Drill and Play

To download and play John's drill on your Titan machine open the Titan Drills app on your phone, select "load from QR code" from the drill edit screen, and scan the QR code below.

Read Sharing and Loading Titan Drills with QR codes for step by step instructions.

QR code for Fast Hand Volley Drill