@Titan Product-Manager The current drill library is very limited. The handful of curated drills from pros is good. Two suggestions: 1) allow comments and ratings on each drill; and 2) It would be v...
@Titan Product-Manager The current drill library is very limited. The handful of curated drills from pros is good. Two suggestions: 1) allow comments and ratings on each drill; and 2) It would be v...
By far, the most useful improvement would be to be able to select values for the Random setting. In real play, many shots will come either down the line or cross court. So, it would be helpfu...
@Carter Pic How long does the battery last?
Hello everyone, I think a small, light remote control with 1, max 2 buttons would be ideal. I could imagine it like with the MegaDrill, where you can select the drills you want to advance with the ...
@Mark Tennis I'm curious where you learned that random range limitions are coming in the app update? It's not mentioned in the press release (I don't think).
@Sarah @ Titan I like the idea of being able to reposition the machine within the drill editor to simulate balls coming from different parts of the court.
Just received my Titan Ace and have used it a handful of times. Here are my thoughts (some have been mentioned by others already) in order of importance to me: Increase the number of feed rate o...
Do you recommend a preferred brand of pickleball that works well in your machine?
If possible please: 1) add an "invert" button that will allow you to invert the position of the ball on each side of the court. This will allow us to program in the first half of a sequence ...
So I'd like the ability to do fast hands battle drills where the balls will shoot 1 every second... because apparently no matter what I do my machine shoots them every 3-4 seconds and I'm confused....
@Jack L - A member of our FB group of Titan owners bought a backpack style laundry bag that he is very happy with.
To enter my tennis courts, I need to walk up some stairs and step over the fence poles. Can I carry the Titan Ace easily using a shoulder strap? Or carry the Titan Ace with one hand? Also, I would...
First and foremost a remote needs to be small and lightweight to fit in a pocket while drilling. Aside from start/stop it should easily switch between drills. Having to press the button...
Please add the ability to set an album or folder for the app to default to when looking for QR codes. I have an Android and created an album for my codes. When I click albums none of my...
Need more presets for drills. 12 isn't enough unless you want to keep editing and changing them. need at least 20 in my opinion. ps love the machine. It's brilliant.
Apple Watch app would be perfect. remote is good going through drills. But don't know what drill your on until it starts firing.
Hi Folks, My I-Phone shows the "Ball Machine" is connected in the Utilities App under Blue Tooth. However, the Drill App says it is not connected when I try to start a drill. Need help. Brad
Qual posição eu devo encaixar a barra oscilante, para baixo ou para cima ?