6 ball app quest: Some drills allow you to set up 6 balls and some don’t. Is there a way to set up 6 for every drill?

  • 2nd question:  under Random direction drill.  It shoots 2 of 6 ball out or on the singles line.  Is there a way to narrow the random range?  

  • Certainly! You can adjust the random range in the menu settings. Please refer to user manual for instructions on how to access the menu settings. Currently, this can be done on the machine's control panel. After Q3-2024, we will introduce a new app that will allow you to adjust the settings using your phone.

  • Just click on the ball icon on top left corner of the "edit drill" page. It will switch it between 6 ball drill and 1 ball drill. 

  • Awesome!  Thank you.

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